Planetary Radar Science

Adapting and expanding terrestrial radio glaciology to the exploration of icy moons.

The exploration of icy moons using ice penetrating radar has many observational and geophysical commonalities with terrestrial radio glaciology. However, limitations in power, processing, and data volume make the collection and interpretation of planetary radar sounding data a distinct challenge. As part of the NASA’s Europa Clipper Science Team, we are working to develop and adapt novel observation and analysis techniques to maximize the scientific return from their radar instruments. These include studies evaluating and optimizing the geophysical performance of the RIME and REASON radar sounders (on the ESA and NASA Jupiter icy moon missions). We are also exploring the possibility of using Jovian decametric radiation as a signal of opportunity for sounding, developing a joint radar/stereo-imagery approach for flyby geodesy, and exploring the use of attenuation imaging to constrain ice-shell properties. Happily, these highly-optimized approaches are also powerful when applied to the comparatively data and signal rich observations of terrestrial ice sheets.



Constraining the Thickness of the Conductive Portion of Europa's Ice Shell Using Sparse Radar Echoes

D.M. Schroeder, N.S. Wolfenbarger, G.B. Steinbrügge, R. Culberg, S.M. Howell, E. Spiers, M. Styczinski,

Geophysical Research Letters, 2024


Science Overview of the Europa Clipper Mission

R.T. Pappalardo, B.J. Buratti, H. Korth, D.A. Senske, D.L. Blaney, D.D. Blankenship, J.L. Burch, P.R. Christensen, S. Kempf, M.G. Kivelson, E.M. Mazarico, K. D. Retherford, E.P. Turtle, J.H. Westlake, B.G. Paczkowski, T.L. Ray, J. Kampmeier, K.L. Craft, S.M. Howell, R.L. Klima, E.J. Leonard, A.M. Novak, C.B. Phillips, I.J. Daubar, J. Blacksberg, S.M. Brooks, M.N. Choukroun, C.J. Cochrane, S. Diniega, C.M. Elder, C.M. Ernst, M.S. Gudipati, A. Luspay-Kuti, S. Piqueux, A.M. Rymer, J.H. Roberts, G. Steinbrügge, M.L. Cable, J.E. C. Scully, J.C. Castillo-Rogez, H.C.F.C. Hay, D.M. Persaud, C.R. Glein, W.B. McKinnon, J.M. Moore, C.A. Raymond, D.M. Schroeder, S.D. Vance, D.Y. Wyrick, M.Y. Zolotov, K.P. Hand, F. Nimmo, M.A. McGrath, J.R. Spencer, J.I. Lunine, C.S. Paty, J.M. Soderblom, G.C. Collins, B.E. Schmidt, J.A. Rathbun, E.L. Shock,T.C. Becker, A.G. Hayes, L.M. Prockter, B.P. Weiss, C.A. Hibbitts, A. Moussessian, T.G. Brockwell, H. Hsu, X. Jia, G.R. Gladstone, A.S. McEwen, G.W. Patterson, R.L. McNutt, J.P. Evans, T.W. Larson, L.A. Cangahuala, G.G. Havens, B.B. Buffington, B. Bradley, S. Campagnola, S.H. Hardman, J.M. Srinivasan, K.L. Short, T.C. Jedrey, J.A. St. Vaughn, K.P. Clark, J. Vertesi, C. Niebur

Space Science Reviews, 2024


Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON)

D.D. Blankenship, A. Moussessian, E. Chapin, D.A. Young, G.W. Patterson, J.J. Plaut, A.P. Freedman, D.M. Schroeder, C.l Grima, Gregor Steinbrügge, K.M. Soderlund, T. Ray, T.G. Richter, L. Jones-Wilson, N.S. Wolfenbarger, K.M. Scanlan, C. Gerekos, K Chan, I. Seker, M.S. Haynes, A.C. Barr Mlinar, L. Bruzzone, B.A. Campbell, L.M. Carter, C. Elachi, Y. Gim, A. Hérique, H. Hussmann, W. Kofman, W.S. Kurth, M. Mastrogiuseppe, W.B. McKinnon, J.M. Moore, F. Nimmo, C. Paty, D. Plettemeier, B.E. Schmidt, M.Y. Zolotov, P.M. Schenk, S.Collins, H. Figueroa, M. Fischman, E. Tardiff, A. Berkun, M. Paller, J.P. Hoffman, A. Kurum, G. Sadowy, K.B. Wheeler, E. Decrossas, Y. Hussein, C. Jin, F. Boldissar, N. Chamberlain, B. Hernandez, E. Maghsoudi, J. Mihaly, S. Worel, V. Singh, K. Pak, J. Tanabe, R. Johnson, M. Ashtijou, T. Alemu, M. Burke, B. Custodero, M.C. Tope, D. Hawkins, K. Aaron, G.T., Delory, P.S. Turin, D.L. Kirchner, K. Srinivasan, J. Xie, B. Ortloff, I. Tan, T. Noh, D. Clark, V. Duong, S. Joshi, J. Lee, E. Merida, R. Akbar, X. Duan, I. Fenni, M. Sanchez-Barbetty, C. Parashare, D.C. Howard, J. Newman, M.G. Cruz, N.J. Barabas, A. Amirahmadi, B. Palmer, R.S. Gawande, G. Milroy, R. Roberti, F.E .Leader, R.D. West, J. Martin, V. Venkatesh, V. Adumitroaie, C. Rains, C. Quach, J.E. Turner, C.M. O’Shea, S.D. Kempf, G. Ng, D.P. Buhl, T.J. Urban

Space Science Reviews, 2024


Feasibility of Passive Sounding of Uranian Moons using Uranian Kilometric Radiation

A. Romero-Wolf, G. Steinbrügge, J. Castillo-Rogez, C.J. Cochrane, T.A. Nordheim1, K.L. Mitchell, N.S. Wolfenbarger, D.M. Schroeder, S.T. Peters,

Earth and Space Science, 2023


The Phase Response of a Rough Rectangular Facet for Radar Sounder Simulations of Both Coherent and Incoherent Scattering

C. Gerekos, M. S. Haynes, D.M. Schroeder, D. D. Blankenship

Radio Science, 2023

Alternatives to Liquid Water Beneath the South Polar Ice Cap of Mars D.M. Schroeder, G. SteinbrüggeGeophysical Research Letters, 2021

Alternatives to Liquid Water Beneath the South Polar Ice Cap of Mars

D.M. Schroeder, G. Steinbrügge

Geophysical Research Letters, 2021

Passive Radio Sounding to Correct for Europa’s Ionospheric Distortion of VHF SignalsS.T. Peters, D.M. Schroeder, A. Romero-WolfPlanetary and Space Science, 2021

Passive Radio Sounding to Correct for Europa’s Ionospheric Distortion of VHF Signals

S.T. Peters, D.M. Schroeder, A. Romero-Wolf

Planetary and Space Science, 2021

Analysis of Temporal and Structural Characteristics of Jovian Radio Emissions for Passive Radar Sounding of Jupiter’s Icy MoonsL. Carrer, D.M. Schroeder, A. Romero-Wolf, P.A. Ries, L. BruzzoneIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020

Analysis of Temporal and Structural Characteristics of Jovian Radio Emissions for Passive Radar Sounding of Jupiter’s Icy Moons

L. Carrer, D.M. Schroeder, A. Romero-Wolf, P.A. Ries, L. Bruzzone

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020

Bright prospects for radar detection of Europa’s ocean Y. Aglyamov, D.M. Schroeder , S.D. Vance Icarus, 2017

Bright prospects for radar detection of Europa’s ocean

Y. Aglyamov, D.M. Schroeder , S.D. Vance

Icarus, 2017


Radar Characterization of Salt Layers in Europa’s Ice Shell as a Window into Critical Ice-Ocean Exchange Processes

N.S. Wolfenbarger, D.D. Blankenship, D.A. Young, K.M. Scanlan, C.J. Chivers, D. Findlay, G.B. Steinbrügge, K. Chan, C. Grima, K.M. Soderlund, D.M. Schroeder

Geophysical Research Letters, 2024


Exploring the Interior of Europa with Europa Clipper

J.H. Roberts, W.B. McKinnon, C. Elder, J.B. Biersteker, D.A. Young, R.S. Park, F. Nimmo, S.M. Howell, J.C. Castillo-Rogez, M.L. Cable, M. Kivelson, P. Tortora, T.B. McCord, A. Dombard, E. Mazarico, G. Tobie, C. Glein, C. Ernst, N.S. Wolfenbarger, J. Lawrence, S.D. Vance, W.S. Kiefer, H. Hussmann, H.C.F.C. Hay, K.M Soderlund, E. Spiers, L.C. Quick, M. Hedman, K. Khurana, C.J. Cochrane, C.A. Raymond, M.J. Styczinski, L. Roth, B.P. Weiss, X. Jia, P. Withers, K. Scanlan, G. Steinbrügge, A. Genova, J.N. Abrahams, K. Retherford, M.T. Bland, P.O. Hayne, A. Rymer, D.M. Schroeder, C. Paty, J.I. Lunine, R.T. Pappalardo, D.A. Senske, H. Korth, M.N. Villarreal, E.J. Leonard, C.D. Harris, J.H. Westlake, C. Chivers, J. Saur, and the Interior Thematic Working Group

Space Science Reviews, 2023


Double Ridge Formation Over Shallow Water Sills on Jupiter’s Moon Europa

R. Culberg, D.M. Schroeder, G. Steinbrügge

Nature Communications, 2022

Conditioning Jovian Burst Signals for Passive Sounding ApplicationsT.M. Roberts, A. Romero-Wolf, L. Bruzzone, L. Carrer, S.T. Peters, D.M. SchroederIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2021

Conditioning Jovian Burst Signals for Passive Sounding Applications

T.M. Roberts, A. Romero-Wolf, L. Bruzzone, L. Carrer, S.T. Peters, D.M. Schroeder

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2021

Challenges on Mercury’s interior structure posed by the new measurements of its obliquity and tidesG. Steinbrügge, M. Dumberry, A. Rivoldini, G. Schubert, H. Cao, D.M. Schroeder, K.M. Soderlund,Geophysical Research Letters, 2020

Challenges on Mercury’s interior structure posed by the new measurements of its obliquity and tides

G. Steinbrügge, M. Dumberry, A. Rivoldini, G. Schubert, H. Cao, D.M. Schroeder, K.M. Soderlund,

Geophysical Research Letters, 2020

Radar attenuation in Europa's ice shell: Obstacles and opportunities for constraining the shell thickness and its thermal structureK. Kalousova, D.M. Schroeder, K. Soderlund Journal of Geophysical Research, 2017

Radar attenuation in Europa's ice shell: Obstacles and opportunities for constraining the shell thickness and its thermal structure

K. Kalousova, D.M. Schroeder, K. Soderlund

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2017

Mars Radar Clutter and Surface Roughness Characteristics from MARSIS DataB.A. Campbell, D.M. Schroeder, J.L. WhittenIcarus, 2017

Mars Radar Clutter and Surface Roughness Characteristics from MARSIS Data

B.A. Campbell, D.M. Schroeder, J.L. Whitten

Icarus, 2017

Prospects of passive radio detection of a subsurface ocean on Europa with a landerA. Romero-Wolf, D.M. Schroeder, P. Ries, B.G. Bills, C.Naudet, B.R. Scott, R. Treuhaft, S. Vance. Planetary and Space Science, 2016

Prospects of passive radio detection of a subsurface ocean on Europa with a lander

A. Romero-Wolf, D.M. Schroeder, P. Ries, B.G. Bills, C.Naudet, B.R. Scott, R. Treuhaft, S. Vance.

Planetary and Space Science, 2016

Assessing the potential for passive radio sounding of Europa and Ganymede with RIME and REASOND.M. Schroeder, A. Romero-Wolf, L. Carrer, C. Grima, B.A. Campbell, W. Kofman, L. Bruzzone, D.D. Blankenship  Planetary and Space Science, 2016

Assessing the potential for passive radio sounding of Europa and Ganymede with RIME and REASON

D.M. Schroeder, A. Romero-Wolf, L. Carrer, C. Grima, B.A. Campbell, W. Kofman, L. Bruzzone, D.D. Blankenship

Planetary and Space Science, 2016

Doppler-based discrimination of radar sounder target scattering properties: A case study of subsurface water geometry in Europa's ice shell R.J. Michaelides, D.M. Schroeder Icarus, 2019

Doppler-based discrimination of radar sounder target scattering properties: A case study of subsurface water geometry in Europa's ice shell

R.J. Michaelides, D.M. Schroeder

Icarus, 2019

Planned Geological Investigations of the Europa Clipper Mission

I.J. Daubar, A.G. Hayes, G.C. Collins, K. Craft, J.A. Rathbun, J.R. Spencer, D.Y. Wyrick, M.T. Bland, A.G. Davies, C.M. Ernst, S.M. Howell, E.J. Leonard, A.S. McEwen, J.M. Moore, C.B. Phillips, L. M. Prockter, L. C. Quick, J. E. C. Scully, J. M. Soderblom, S. M. Brooks, M. Cable, M.E. Cameron, K. Chan, C.J. Chivers, M. Choukroun, C.J. Cochrane, S. Diniega, A.J. Dombard, C.M. Elder, C. Gerekos, C. Glein, T.K. Greathouse, C. Grima, M.S. Gudipati, K. Hand, C.J. Hansen, P. Hayne, M. Hedman, K. Hughson, X. Jia, J. Lawrence, H.M. Meyer, K. Miller, R. Parekh, G.W. Patterson, D.M. Persaud, S. Piqueux, K.D. Retherford, K.M. Scanlan, P. Schenk, B. Schmidt, D.M. Schroeder, G. Steinbrügge, A. Stern, G. Tobie, P. Withers, D.A. Young, B. Buratti, H. Korth, D. Senske, R. Pappalardo,

Space Science Reviews, 2024


Radar Attenuation in Enceladus' Ice Shell: Obstacles and Opportunities for Constraining Shell Thickness, Chemistry, and Thermal Structure

O. Soucek, K. Kalousova, D.M. Schroeder, N.S. Wolfenbarger, M. Behounkova, G. Steinbrügge, K.M. Soderlund

Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2023


Altimetry Measurements from Planetary Radar Sounders and Application to SHARAD on Mars

G. Steinbrügge, M. Haynes, D.M. Schroeder, K.M. Scanlan, A. Stark, D.A. Young, C. Grima, S. Kempf, G. Ng. D. Buhl, J.R.C. Voigt, T. Roatsch, D.D. Blankenship

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2021

Brine Migration and Impact‐Induced Cryovolcanism on EuropaG. Steinbrügge, J.R.C. Voigt, N.S. Wolfenbarger, C.W. Hamilton, K.M. Soderlund, D.A. Young, D.D. Blankenship, S. VanceGeophysical Research Letters, 2020

Brine Migration and Impact‐Induced Cryovolcanism on Europa

G. Steinbrügge, J.R.C. Voigt, N.S. Wolfenbarger, C.W. Hamilton, K.M. Soderlund, D.A. Young, D.D. Blankenship, S. Vance

Geophysical Research Letters, 2020

The Surface Roughness of Europa derived from Galileo Stereo ImagesG. Steinbruegge, J.R.C. Voight, D.M. Schroeder, A. Stark, M.S. Haynes, K.M. Scanlan, C.W. Hamilton, D.A. Young, H. Hussman, C. Grima, D.D. BlankenshipIcarus, 2020

The Surface Roughness of Europa derived from Galileo Stereo Images

G. Steinbruegge, J.R.C. Voight, D.M. Schroeder, A. Stark, M.S. Haynes, K.M. Scanlan, C.W. Hamilton, D.A. Young, H. Hussman, C. Grima, D.D. Blankenship

Icarus, 2020

Assessing the Detectability Europa’s Eutectic Zone using Radar Sounding, C. Culha, D.M. Schroeder, T.M. Jordan, M. HaynesIcarus, 2020

Assessing the Detectability Europa’s Eutectic Zone using Radar Sounding,

C. Culha, D.M. Schroeder, T.M. Jordan, M. Haynes

Icarus, 2020

Assessing the potential for measuring Europa’s tidal Love number h2 using radar sounder and topographic imager data G. Steinbruegge, D.M. Schroeder, M.S. Haynes, H. Hussmann, C. Grima, D.D. BlankenshipEarth and Planetary Science Letters, 2018

Assessing the potential for measuring Europa’s tidal Love number h2 using radar sounder and topographic imager data

G. Steinbruegge, D.M. Schroeder, M.S. Haynes, H. Hussmann, C. Grima, D.D. Blankenship

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2018

Radar Signal through the Ionosphere of EuropaC. Grima, D.D. Blankenship, D.M. Schroeder  Planetary and Space Science, 2015

Radar Signal through the Ionosphere of Europa

C. Grima, D.D. Blankenship, D.M. Schroeder

Planetary and Space Science, 2015

An Interferometric Approach to Cross-Track Clutter Detection in Two Channel VHF Radar SoundersD. Castelletti, D.M. Schroeder, S. Hensley, C. Grima, G. Ng, D.A. Young, Y. Gim, L Bruzzone, A. Moussessian, D.D. BlankenshipIEEE Transactions on Geoscienc…

An Interferometric Approach to Cross-Track Clutter Detection in Two Channel VHF Radar Sounders

D. Castelletti, D.M. Schroeder, S. Hensley, C. Grima, G. Ng, D.A. Young, Y. Gim, L Bruzzone, A. Moussessian, D.D. Blankenship

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2017


Geophysical Glaciology


Radar System Development