Current Group Members
At any given time, our group includes some combination of faculty, postdocs, Ph.D. students, master's students, and undergraduate students working on problems at the forefront of terrestrial and planetary radio glaciology. This includes researchers and students for whom our group is their primary academic home, visitors from other institutions, and Stanford graduate students that are doing a rotation or second project with our group.
Associate Professor
Geophysics & Electrical Engineering
Terrestrial & Planetary Radio Glaciology
Ph.D. Student
Electrical Engineering
Autonomous and Adaptive Sounding
Postdoctoral Scholar
Data Science
Radar Sounding and Computer Vision
PhD Student
Electrical Engineering
Radar Frequency Over Fiber Arrays
Second Project Ph.D. Student
Radar Sounding Reference Scenes
Undergraduate Student
Electrical Engineering
Radar System Development
Teaching, supervising, volunteering as a high school science coach, and participating in the national leadership of Science Olympiad have provided us with opportunities to mentor a diverse and exceptional group of young scientists and engineers, and thinkers. We are deeply proud of them and are honored to have been part of their education.
Postdoctoral Scholar ‘23-‘24
Remote Sensing Scientist
Los Alamos National Lab
Postdoctoral Scholar ‘17-‘20
Assistant Professor
Georgia Institute of Technology
Postdoctoral Scholar ‘17-’18'
Associate Professor
Colorado School of Mines
Ph.D. ‘19-‘24
Electrical Engineering
Research Engineer
Sandia National Laboratories
Postdoctoral Scholar ‘17-‘20
Earth Observation Scientist
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Ph.D. ‘18-‘24
NOAA C &GC Postdoc
Georgia Institute of Technology
Postdoctoral Scholar ‘19-‘21
Planetary Scientist
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Postdoctoral Scholar ‘17-‘19
Associate Professor
LMU Munich
Ph.D. ‘18-‘22
Electrical Engineering
Assistant Professor
Cornell University
Ph.D. ‘16-‘20
Electrical Engineering
Assistant Professor
CU Boulder
Postdoctoral Scholar ‘17-‘18
Electrical Engineering
Earth Observation Engineer
"Second Project", Rotation, Co-Term, MS, and Thesis Students
Paul Summers, “Second Project” Ph.D. Student, Geophysics, Stanford, 2019 - 2024, Now: Postdoc at Georgia Tech
Riley Shaper, Thesis, Geophysics, Stanford, 2024
Jasmin Falconer, Rotation Student, Electrical Engineering, Stanford, 2024: Now Ph.D Student in E.E. at Stanford
Muhammad Abdulla, Rotation Student, Electrical Engineering, Stanford, 2023: Now Ph.D Student in E.E. at Stanford
Briar Conger, Thesis & Co-Term, Geophysics, Stanford, 2019 - 2022, Now: Ph.D. Student in Geophysics at UCSD
Sarina Kapai, MS, Electrical Engineering, Stanford, 2020 - 2022, Now: Ph.D. Student in Elect. Eng. at USC
Martin Altenberg, Thesis & Co-Term, Electrical Engineering, Stanford, 2019 - 2021, Now: Analysist, McKinsey
Akua McLeod, Co-Term, Electrical Engineering, Stanford, 2020 - 2021, Now: Ph.D. Student in EPP at Carnegie Mellon
Alex Miltenberger, “Second Project” Ph.D. Student, Geophysics, Stanford, 2018 - 2019, Now: Co-Founder at ExploreTech
Cansu Culha, “Second Project” Ph.D. Student, Geophysics, Stanford, 2016 - 2019, Now: Postdoc at the University of British Columbia
Cooper Elsworth, ““Second Project” Ph.D. Student, Geophysics, Stanford, 2016 - 2019, Now: Technical Prog. Manager at Google
Roger Michaelides, “Second Project” Ph.D. Student, Geophysics, Stanford, 2016 - 2019, Now: Asst. Prof at Wash U. St. Louis
Andrew Hilger, MS, Electrical Engineering, Stanford, 2016 - 2018, Now: Software Engineer at Meta
Alexander Kendrick, “Second Project” Ph.D. Student, Geophysics, Stanford, 2016 - 2018, Alex lost his valiant battle with brain cancer in 2022. He was a wonderful geophysicist and is deeply missed.
Visiting Graduate Students
Giancorrado Brighi, University of Bologna, 2024
Miguel Hoyo García, University of Trento, 2021, Now: Postdoc at Foundazione Bruno Kessler
Richard Delf, University of Edinburgh, 2018 - 2019, Now: Chief Product Officer at Weatherstream
Oliver Bartlet, University of Exeter, 2018 - 2019, Now: Lecturer at University of Hertfordshire
Michael Cooper, University of Bristol, 2017 - 2018, Now: Research Associate at University of York
Corinne Benedek, University of Cambridge, 2017
Leonardo Carrer, University of Trento, 2016 - 2018, Now: Space Systems Engineer at Aresys
T.J. Young, University of Cambridge, 2016 - 2018, Now: Lecturer at University of St. Andrews
Gregor Steinbrügge, Technical Univeristy of Berlin, 2015 - 2017, Now: Planetary Scientist at JPL
Winnie Chu, Columbia University, 2015 – 2017, Now: Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Davide Castelletti, University of Trento, 2014 – 2017, Now: Earth Observation Engineer at ESA
Undergraduate Students
William Byrne, University of Maryland, 2024, Data Science
Daniel Voyles, Harvey Mudd College, 2024, Physics
Brian Amaro, Stanford University, 2020 - 2024, Geophysics
Vivian Shay, Stanford University, 2023 - 2024, Earth Systems
Jillian Steinmetz, Cornell University, 2023 , Earth and Atmospheric Science
Rohan Sanda, Stanford University, 2020 - 2023, Electrical Engineering
Aadhav Prabu, Stanford University, 2022 - 2023, Computer Science
Anabella Hernandez, Stanford University, 2023, Electrical Engineering
Carlos Arias, Stanford University, 2022, Engineering Physics
Dennis Woo, Stanford University, 2021 - 2022, Electrical Engineering, Now: Ph.D. Student in EE at UC Berkley
Franklin Lurie, Stanford University, 2020 - 2022, Climate Resilience Engineering,
Martin Altenberg, Stanford University, 2019 - 2021, Electrical Engineering, Now: Mismanagement Associate at Nippon Steel Corporation
Lena Schwebs, University of Tennessee, 2021, Physics, Now: M.S. Student in Geophysics at U. Wyoming
Anna Fischer Lopez, Stanford University, 2021, Physics
Akua McLeod, Stanford University, 2020 - 2021, Electrical Engineering, Now: Ph.D Student in EPP at CMU
Micha Murray, Stanford University, 2018 - 2021, Computer Science, Now: Ph.D. Student in CS at UC Berkeley
Olivia Flournoy, Stanford University, 2020 - 2021, Geophysics, Now: Associate Produce Manager at
Acacia Lynch, Stanford University, 2021, Environmental Science and Physics
Abby Romo, Stanford University, 2021, Design
Sina Mohammadi, Stanford University, 2021, Electrical Engineering
Angelo Tarzona, Dickenson College, 2020, Geophysics, Now: Ph.D. Student in Earth & Atmospheric Science at Georgia Tech
Jon Bessette, SUNY Buffalo, 2019 - 2020, Mechanical Engineering, Now: Ph.D. Student in Mech.E. at MIT
Isabella Pena, Fullerton College and UC Berkeley, 2018 - 2019, Physics
Connery Wood, Stanford University, 2019, Physics, Now: Co-term MS Student in Sustainability
Jasmine Jones, Stanford University, 2019, Electrical Engineering, Now: Aerospace Software Apps Engineer at Blue Origin
Sydney Marler, Stanford University, 2018 - 2019, EE & CS, Now: Dragon Space Operations at SpaceX
Madison Goldberg, Harvard University, 2018 - 2019, Earth and Planetary Sciences
Andrew Pollack, Stanford University, 2019, Computer Science, Now: Senior Software Engineer at Skydio
Nikita Darbar, Stanford University, 2016 - 2018, Chemical Engineering, Now: MBA Student at Harvard
Theo Diamandis, Stanford University, 2016 - 2018, Electrical Engineering, Ph.D. Student in EE at MIT
Logan Herrera, Stanford University, 2016 - 2018, Electrical Engineering, Now: Sensing System Hardware Engineer at Apple
Kai Marshland, Stanford University, 2017 - 2018, Electrical Engineering, Now: Co-Founder at WindBorne Systems
Aria Tedjarati, Stanford University, 2016 - 2018, Electrical Engineering, Now: Engineer at SpaceX
Thomas Teisberg, Stanford University, 2016 - 2018, Electrical Engineering, Now: Ph.D. Student in EE at Stanford
Meera Radhakrishnan, Stanford University, 2017 - 2018, Electrical Engineering, Now: Electrical Engineer at Microsoft
Katherine Vega, Fullerton College and CU Boulder, 2017 - 2018, Engineering Physics, Now: Systems Architect at Northrop Grumman
Paige Brown, Stanford University, 2016 - 2017, Material Science & Eng, Now: Solutions & Ecosystem Roadmaper at Spark Climate Solutions
Joan Creus-Costa, Stanford University, 2016 - 2017, Electrical Engineering, Now: WindBorne Systems
Jake Hillard, Stanford University, 2016 - 2017, Electrical Engineering, Now: Ph.D. Student in EE at Stanford
Allen Hosler, Stanford University, 2016 - 2017, Electrical Engineering, Now: MBA Student at London School of Economics
Ryan Kirk, Stanford University, 2016 - 2017, Mechanical Engineering
Iskender Kushan, Stanford University, 2017, Electrical Engineering, Now: Lead Starship Engineer at SpaceX
Sasha Maldonado, Stanford University, 2016 - 2017, Electrical Engineering, Now: Senior Electrical Engineer at Gradient Comfort
Kat McNeill, Stanford University, 2016 - 2017, Earth System, Now: Climate Policy at 1PointFive
Kirill Safin, Stanford University, 2016 - 2017, Electrical Engineering, Now: Electronics, Avionics, and Aerospace Consulting
Adam Stanford-Moore, Stanford University, 2017, Physics, Now: Senior Machine Learning Engineer at PathAI
Stephen Spears, Stanford University, 2017, Electrical Engineering, Now: Satellite Communications Engineer at Astranis
Valerie Sarge, MIT, Summer 2016, Electrical Engineering, Now: Electrical Engineer at Nvidia
Youry Agylamov, Caltech, 2013 – 2016, PhD. Astronomy, Cornell
Ben Ayton, University of Texas, 2013 – 2014, Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, MIT, Now: Research Scientist at Meta
Leo Breston, University of Illinois, Summer 2012, Now: Ph.D. Student in Neurosciences at UCSD
Harris Davidson, Olin College, Summer 2012, Mechanical Engineering
Arami Rosales, University of Texas, 2011 – 2014, Physics
Evelyn Powell, University of Texas, 2010 – 2014, Ph.D. Geophysics, Harvard, Now: Postdoc at Columbia U.
Tad Komacek, University of Chicago, 2010 – 2013, Ph.D. U. of Arizona, Now: Asst. Prof. at UMD
John DeSanto, University of Texas, 2008 – 2013, Ph.D. Geophysics, UCSD, Now: Posdtoc at U. of Washington
High School Students
Ron Freeman, Menlo Atherton, 2021 - 2023, Now: Studying Electrical Engineering at Caltech
Michelle Park, Solon, 2017 - 2022, Now: Studying Physics and CS as Stanford University
Kenyon Marshall, Walsh Jesuit, 2021,
Rebekah Albach, LASA, 2013 - 2016, B.S. Wellesley, Ph.D. Planetary Science at Tulane, Now: Research Software Engineer at Million Concepts LLC
Claire Burch, Mira Loma, 2013 - 2016, B.S. Physics, Harvard University, Now: Investment Associate at Bridgewater
Neil Patil, LASA, 2012 - 2016, B.S. Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin, Now: Senior Product Manager at Vanta
Isaree Pitaktong, LASA, 2012 - 2016, B.S. Biomedical Engineering, John Hopkins, Now: MD/Ph.D. Student at Emory/GaTech
Zennie Wey, LASA, 2012 - 2016, B.S. Harvard University, Now: Senior Product Manager at Amazon
Kelyn Wood, Mountain View 2016, B.S./M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Stanford, Now: Bulk Energy Storage Engineer at EPRI
Elena Arnold, LASA, 2012 – 2015, B.S. Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin
Cassidy Curra, LASA, 2012 – 2015, B.S. English and International Affairs, Lewis and Clark College
Sam Grayson, LASA, 2012 – 2015, B.S. Computer Science, UT Dallas, Now: Ph.D. Student in Computer Science at UIUC
Blake Karwoski, LASA, 2012 – 2015, B.S. Texas A&M, M.S. Robotics, Michigan, Now: Software Engineer at Nuro
Nha Nguyen, LASA, 2012 – 2015, B.S. Physics and Mechanical Engineering, MIT, Now: Ph.D. Student in Mechanical Engineering at MIT
Dhruv Puri, LASA, 2013 – 2015, B.S. Biology, UC Berkeley, Now: MD Student at UC San Diege
Evan Tey, LASA, 2012 – 2015, B.S. Computer Science, MIT, Now: Software Engineer at
Lily Xu, LASA, 2013 – 2015, B.S. Biology, Harvard University, Now: MD Student at UT Southwestern
Advaith Anand, LASA, 2012 – 2014, B.S. Computer Science, MIT, Now: Software Engineer at Palantir Technologies
Ying Liu, LASA, 2012 – 2014, B.S. Computer Science, Cambridge University, Now: Software Engineer at Fireworks AI
Jessica Wang, LASA, 2012 – 2014, B.S. Computer Science, Harvard University, Now: Facebook
Yury Agylamov, LASA 2010 – 2013, B.S. Geophysics, CalTech, Now: Ph.D. Student in Astronomy at Cornell University
Miranda Donellan, LASA, 2011 – 2013, B.A. Cornell College, Now: Librarian at Cornell College
Arthur Lee, LASA, 2011 – 2013, B.S. Biology at the University of Texas, Austin, Now: Ph.D. Student in History at Johns Hopkins
Tim Loose, LASA, 2011 – 2013, B.S. Chemistry, University of Texas, Now: Ph.D. Student in Chemisty at the University of Chicago
Marshall McClenon, LASA, 2011 – 2013, B.A Biology at Beloit College, Now:
Allan Sadun, LASA, 2010 – 2013, B.S.Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Now: LeafLabs
Leo Breston, LASA, 2010 - 2012, B.S. Physics, Illinois, Now: Ph.D. Student in Neurosciences at UCSD
Harris Davidson, LASA, 2010 - 2012, BS. Olin College, Mechanical Engineering, Now: Senior Product Manager at Markforged
Calvin Ling, LASA, 2010 – 2012, B.S. Management Science & Engineering, Stanford, Now: Principal at OVN Capital
Mark Sands, LASA, 2009 – 2012, B.A. Economics, U Chicago, Now: Portfolio Manager at Walleye Capital
Christopher Wang, LASA, 2010 – 2012, B.S. Math and Economics, Columbia University
Daniel Wang, LASA, 2010 – 2012, B.S. Mathematics, MIT, JD Harvard, Now: Special Counsel at Eversheds Sutherland
Max Zern, LASA, 2010 – 2012, B.S. Biology at Washington University in St. Louis
Victoria Cui, LASA, 2009 – 2011, B.S., Columbia , M.D. WUSTL, Now: Chief Resident, Georgetown Hospital
Jeffery Holzgrafe, LASA, 2009 – 2011, B.S., Olin, M.S Cambridge, Ph.D Physics Harvard, Now: Research Scientist at HyperLight
Chloe Ling, LASA, 2009 – 2011, B.S., Physics, California Insitute of Technology, Now: Associate Staff at MIT Lincoln Lab
Angela Liu, LASA, 2009 – 2011, B.S., Biology, Yale University, Now: Associate Principal at ClearView Healthcare Partners
Eliza McDonald, LASA, 2008 – 2010, B.S., Astrophysics, UC Berkeley
Rose Kent, LASA, 2008 – 2010, B.A., Biochemistry, Oregon, Now: W.R. Grace
Travis Owen, LASA, 2008 – 2010, B.A., Finance, New York University, Now: CFO at Sameday Health
Arami Rosales, LASA, 2008 – 2011, B.S. Physics, University of Texas
Ryan Doubrava, LASA, 2008 – 2009, B.A., Classics, University of Texas at Austin
Jonathan Hillis, LASA, 2008 – 2009, B.A. Environmental Science, Carleton College, Now: Founder at Cabin
Frasier Liljestrand, LASA, 2008 – 2009, B.S. Geology, Rice, Ph.D. Geochemistry, Harvard, Now: Pacific Northwest National Lab
Evelyn Powell, LASA, 2008 – 2009, B.S.Texas, Ph.D. Geophysics, Harvard, Now: Postdoc at Columbia U.
Andrew Vanderberg, LASA, 2008 – 2009, B.S. Physics, Berkeley, Ph.D. Astronomy, Harvard, Now: Assistant Professor at MIT
Group Photos
Jordan Tucker, Thomas Teisberg, Danny May, Dusty Schroeder, Claire Blaske, Alex Kiral, Annie Cheng, Sunme Zhao
Ellie Abrahams, Elizabeth Wig, Lexi Arlen, Natalie Wolfenbarger
Eliza Dawson, Jasmin Falconer, Danny May, Anna Broome, Natalie Wolfenbarger, Dusty Schroeder
Eliza Dawson, Kevin Culberg, Riley Culberg, Dusty Schroeder, Danny May, Anna Broome, Thomas Teisberg
Dusty Schroeder, Danny May, Eliza Dawson, Anna Broome, Riley Culberg, Thomas Teisberg
Riley Culberg, Dusty Schroeder, Thomas Teisberg, Mickey MacKie, Gregor Steinbrügge, Eliza Dawson, Nicole Bienert, Akua McLeod, Anna Broome
Mickey MacKie, Anna Broome, Eliza Dawson, Gregor Steinbrügge, Thomas Teisberg, Sean Peters, Nicole Bienert, Dusty Schroeder, Winnie Chu, Riley Culberg
Sean Peters, Matt Siegfried, Eliza Dawson, Noah Dewar, Dusty Schroeder, Davide Castelletti, Ollie Bartlett, Winnie Chu, Nicole Bienert, Elisa Mantelli, Mickey MacKie, Tom Jordan, Riley Culberg
Mickey MacKie, Matt Siegfried, Elisa Mantelli, Davide Castelletti, Sean Peters, Andrew Hilger, Noah Dewar, Roger Michaelides, Alex Kendrick, Dusty Schroeder, Winnie Chu, Tom Jordan