
The Departments of Geophysics and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University represent centers of excellence in radar, exploration, and near surface geophysics, and the mechanics and dynamics of Earth, environmental, and planetary systems. This provides a unique and exciting intellectual environment within which to study and practice Radio Glaciology.

Prospective Ph.D. students and postdocs interested in the development and use of geophysical radar to study the interaction, evolution, and physical processes of ice and water in Earth and Planetary systems should feel free to contact dustin.m.schroeder@stanford.edu to discuss potential projects in one or more of our core research areas. Prospective students can also get a sense of our group's research culture from our group expectations document.

Students with strong backgrounds in physics, mathematics, engineering, geophysics, or astrophysics as well as interests in any of the following areas are particularly encouraged to apply:

  • Computational Electromagnetics

  • Exploration or Near Surface Geophysics

  • Geophysical Glaciology

  • Ice Sheet Hydrology

  • Ice Sheet Modeling

  • Planetary Geophysics

  • Radar Science and Engineering

  • Remote Sensing

  • Signal Processing

Undergraduate students that are interested in the development, deployment, and application of ice penetrating radar systems should also contact dustin.m.schroeder@stanford.edu about current opportunities in our lab and consider applying to the SURGE, SESUR, SURF, or EE REU programs. 

Finally, if you are interested in studying with us, you may also be interested in joining one of these amazing groups led by our alumni: